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happy birthday 生日快乐 gelukkig verjaardag, juffrouw van driel

een doorgeven – a passing on: wensten voor haar verjaardag van haar tante marijke. ‘tuurlijk. awkward a_back.jpg pause. je ziet haar nog? longer awkward pause. a_dietcoke.jpg umm…ja.

a sort of passive-aggressive general confession of not having the heart power to say it to you in person, those brief minutes that you came back, also out of guilty obligation, perhaps, to oversee the painters who actually would not come until much later.standing at attention. a_kermis.jpgor sitting.slumped.just like not having the heart power to say the extent of one’s sadness to another’s face.the extent a_mulletgarden.jpg of anger.we worry. oh, a_p8.jpg what a mean way to say happy birthday to a young girl!but within these marvels that lasted for days [the ogichan is sitting in a wheelchair at the end of the street], all of that happiness [the obachan bends over in front of him], sadness [unfolding the metal and rubber hinge of his chair], anger [picks up his feet, awkwardly if not gruff], resignation [and places them on the footrests], and love. a_lightningbabe.jpg [and love.] a_permanent.jpg are wrapped up in me, wrapping me, and maybe the dutch say that’s just as you grow up, a_handstand.jpgthis day grown up,a_shan.jpg it dawned,that,underneath that pervasive body of 奇怪 you were actually just a normal little girl dreaming of true love, playing dress-up a_drum.jpg and blowing dandelions. a_bubble.jpg thinking of castles.but today there is some sort of certainty that it is the day you were born, years before…so a faraway thank you to your mother and father who helped you come into this world, and, yes, a_platform.jpg from another faraway and roundabout place, much love to you.the real world will never ruin you, like it has the rest of us. a_kneel.jpg but you exist.

This entry was posted by 丫 on Sunday, July 29th, 2007 at 12:00 am and is filed under birthday, everything. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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