No. 180A
An empty box of matches

How and when did you acquire this object? I honestly don’t remember, since I’ve never been to Philadelphia or Atlantic City. Chances are it belonged to my ex-boyfriend who lived with me.
Approximately when did it expire? Why? Today. I found it.
Where has it been located since the time of its expiration? On my shelf.

No. 180B
A lock that I have no combination for.

How and when did you acquire this object? About two months ago I went to the swimming pool in the Bronx during one of the hottest days of the summer. On our way out I opened my purse and this lock that didn’t belong to me was in it.
Approximately when did it expire? Why? When I found it I couldn’t open it, since I didn’t know the combination.
Where has it been located since the time of its expiration? Under my bed.

No. 180C
A yellow piece of paper that has drawings on it.

How and when did you acquire this object? About a year and a half ago, when I was still living with my ex-boyfriend he found it in a subway car and thought that somebody should take it. So he did. And we kept it.

Approximately when did it expire? Why? Today. I didn’t feel like looking at it anymore.
Where has it been located since the time of its expiration? On my fridge.

donated by: Z., female, 20-29
collected: 09/07/06, East 62nd Street, New York