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to speak of being an old woman, for/from 萌 megumi, makes for strange reading, and for Tさま, 一万 thank yous and sorrys

i take from you————-the things we hold in our bodies. she doesn’t quite say it in this way, it was my interpretation of her muzukashi eigo, my muzukashi nihongo, but she wants to know about body————-another time, the girl had given you a survey asking about being the child of divorced parents [personal and inappropriate?]; you talked a lot about the things that remain in the body, even if pain is not often considered or thought about in daily life. but i see now, that they, the things, seep into the minutes, in habits, undercurrents, flow. ————-and a, a thought that maybe that sentence was in reference to me, is that egotistical? of course it is. but i have to be okay, have to maintain some semblance of humour, of composure, of a professional working atmosphere. this is real life, one thinks. and because i just do not know how to deal with those things in my body, the things that seep into the minutes, the undercurrents, the break of the flow. do things get better with age? i just do not know. i am not an obachan yet. but hoping.

This entry was posted by 丫 on Tuesday, May 30th, 2006 at 10:34 am and is filed under everything, obachan, writing. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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