the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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without cringing 2022 screenshots of january and june

Posted by 丫 | reply »

沒有記憶的過去 the first episode is goodbye


🐢 點iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter發起的時候參與者haxi,今天GOODBYE過去時考古還能挖出來這樣的一個回憶 💓!05年在北京我第一份工作是給國際廣播電台做一系列英文播客。像haxi所說的,「在pre微博、pre微信、pre移动互联网时代,我们还做过这样一个东东。[😎旺柴😎] 」miss erminia,我電腦上有第16期,很想聽一下「💩 OHMYGAWD, I STEPPED IN POO 💩」那期,你有嗎?⋯⋯OHMYGAWD 🎶 GOODBYE 2021,想你們呀~


Posted by 丫 | reply »

epistolary formations (for Ĵ, Ş, Ȼ and Ḅ)

dearest yous,

digital crumbs here in response to those things you said, those things you sent, real material ways and a digital means. ‘i am sorry for the delayed reply’ prefaces so many of these formations, followed mostly by the mental hesitation for apologising too much. though it’s nice to hear ‘no need to apologise’ in response sometimes, it takes a sorry to get there. truly sorry for too many things.

lateness somehow psychologically necessitated a more involved response, if this so-called ‘publicness’ can warrant any more meaningfulness. actually i told that what i like most here is the anonymous intimacy of passerby in public, because being an outmoded place, it’s hidden in plain sight, Emily Dickinson style. there was a period when i wrote little notes and left them in random places, too, and i found one a few years ago that didn’t get distributed, so sent it to Ẳ in the post along with a bunch of other random things, but i think the clutter of it all overwhelmed her, so there was not much conversation about it afterwards. at the time, her son could just fit the quarter-sized sample jacket i made in fashion school.

so many things need explaining.

and your faith astounds me sometimes. but i guess we still make (it) work. it’s perhaps not so dissimilar——nudity in public, intimacies for those who were never keen at p.d.a., the weaning separation from one’s body that is called a work.

Art is insufficient to narrate the inhumanity of history, because it is insufficient to explain it. Disaster is either explained by means of psychology, or the savagery of society is described as if it were a supernatural event; fascism is presented ‘as the machination of rackets outside society, not as the coming-to-itself of society as such.’

-from The Orpheus Double Bind: What Can Writing Save?, Nurdan Gürbilek


and what would you say to those that don’t watch films, don’t really read books, don’t dance? aren’t they terrible, those people, how are you going to explain it to them? how are you going to wish for them the thing that changed you and you don’t regret it not one bit, except all the times you fail to explain it to your stern mother or that person in power that you wanted to impress. you’re sorry.

Ş, i like the digitised irony that your rooms reminded me of playing Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, or growing up choosing my own adventure——though you don’t say ‘you’. but something like she says, it wasn’t birds but paper speaking——your real, material and actual post, Ş, so carefully bound by hand and sent to me across the Pacific just as you said you would, when most people don’t. and with that I have to tell you, unapologetically sorry, that I haven’t forgotten what I said I would send to you. it’s not ready yet, hopefully soon.


“Time the Great Healer (live at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 5 September 2006)”, Cat Power


though today i put off work to deal with a number of personal matters. and really that is an irony as well, as if they were separate in these realms, you know what i mean, but again it’s something about still learning to explain after all this time, i have to reiterate myself and you to yous again and again, because you weren’t listening and in my anger i don’t hear myself. maybe you’ll say i have to listen more in order to be heard. maybe.

i like that the package from Ĵ, one of the most dedicated in believing the romance of ‘art’ and ‘post’ all these years, came this time not directly from you but by the smooth spaces of guanxi through the editorial office of a magazine based in Spain. i like that you once fleetingly included me in one issue, and still hope that we’ll have that chance for a two-day dialogue over sidewalk beers some day.


“ピンクブッチ Pink Butch (ラララ Lalala)”, マジカル・パワー・マコ Magical Power Mako


i like that an e-mail from Ȼ seems so anachronistic amidst all of our other conversations online, that the tone differs by that very fact and that you’ve encouraged me thus to write poems in Chinese, like Ɀ also showed me, so simply, how line breaks make all the difference.

did i show you the poem he helped me to break?




— from the 視覺博物誌 Visual Diary Archive project “其人,其事:何京蕴 Just People, Just Timing: Anouchka


and for Ḅ, who joined us most recently and 那麼有耐心 accompanied me 陪著我 so patiently on the 坐今天的山車 roller coaster of today:

😭 晨哭的何子
🤯 分不清每天為自己堅持的那杯咖啡、Al Jazeera live和微信的爆炸
😶 給時間
😏 給情緒時間
🤗 就是他放棄「family」的共同體
😵 冇念度今早會嘔咁多出黎
☺️ 你反應好好
😩 然後一封推測參加的郵件叮了一聲
🥵 中國漁民在南海中對於非魯賓漁民的不正行為
🥺 又跟你自我反思和道歉
🤕 你不在我面前,怎麼軟起來,怎麼給愛
🤔 又來新的翻譯
🥰 Ɫ約我去到海灣,入水
😘 聽到妳孩子的聲音
😲 去公園走一圈綠
😪 回來又拖一拖工作
this language form was inspired by Ⱳ, who must go through so many emotions in his daily drama-filled state, which is not so much to say about the things happening around him as much as it is his explications of such. lately he’s mostly been a smiley face, which unfortunately arouses my suspicions and insecurities, though I try not to interrupt too much and keep my hurt quiet. last year, i wrote a paper that attempted to make use of the epistolary as a formal intervention, though a different Ⱳ says if i want to publish it I should take the initials out.


a song for you, with all the right breaks and a complex geography of the memory of your face.


Posted by 丫 | reply »

KEEP人生 KEEP, Live – “再坚持5秒!Hold On For 5 More Seconds!”

在一段不明确的时间里,我觉得自己抽象地领悟了这个世界。——博尔赫斯 下一个动作:简易死虫式

I felt myself to be, for an unknown period of time, an abstract perceiver of the world.. — Jorge Luis Borges Next exercise: Dead Bug

— KEEP (app)



在她成为一名胖子快一年的时候,有一天,她下载了一个叫KEEP的中文运动软件。点击灰色图标,跳出一行巨大的“自律给我自由” ——在理解它之前它已经消失了,被下一秒的广告所替换(广告也“5-4-3-2-1”地很快消失了、被下一个广告替换)。为了督促自己,她购买了KEEP的会员。一边反对着消费主义,一边,不断地消费着(啊真是对不起,啪啪打脸)。就这样KEEP出现在了我们的生活中。渐渐地我已经离不开它。甚至和小伙伴们开会的同时,你也在悄悄做着KEEP —— 这不是一个以多任务和多身份为时髦的时代吗?KEEP推送给我据称是“为我”订制的一套方案“28天疯狂甩肉计划”,除了跟着它运动,我还需要每天向它汇报吃了些什么,它会反馈:“香蕉富含身体必需的维生素和膳食纤维,你的选择很棒!”或是:“冰淇淋含糖量很高,容易让你长胖!”好吧好吧,让我们把害人的冰淇淋赶紧换掉!就这样你把冰淇淋瘾换成了KEEP瘾,就好像以前你戒烟的时候,把烟瘾换成了冰淇淋瘾一样。当代生活就是需要不断成瘾的依赖吧,它可以是任何东西 (只要是复数)——香烟、大麻、酒精、宗教、爱情、性、色情网站、短视频、朋友圈、艺术、淘宝、炸鸡、冰淇淋……当然也可以是跑步、运动、“马甲线养成”,或是(也许你从没听说过的)“蜜桃臀”、“天鹅颈”、“一字肩”、“少女背”、 “石原里美下颌线”。后面这些看起来积极向上、健康且美的“自律”爱好,也许是比前面那些古老的已知的瘾更为可怕的瘾哦。

“2015年上线,目前已具有3亿用户规模,每天有超过600万人在KEEP上挥洒汗水,它已成为涵盖健身、跑步、骑行、交友及饮食指导、装备购买、运动直播等功能在内的中国最大运动社交平台。”通常,我戴着AirPods无线耳机在客厅做KEEP,这样燃脂的劲爆音乐和指令就不会吵到我的日本老公。而他也带着同款AirPods,就坐在我对面、有时是身旁,沉浸在他的版本的YouTube世界中。他似乎在对我神秘的微笑,很快我就知道那不是对我。“2020年初的疫情导致居家隔离,运动社交类App用户活跃度暴增,帮助KEEP实现了新一轮数据增长。据称KEEP计划于今年在美国上市,估值将会超过F轮融资的20亿美元。 ”“它的创始人兼CEO是一名90后。”她意识到,不管她愿不愿意,她已经来到了大妈的年纪,而此刻她也正在加入一种大妈的活动——饭后广场舞 —— 只不过换成了线上,几千万人平行宇宙的超大型广场舞。那么现在,就让我们跟随指令,来感受一下“蜜桃臀养成”这一人气产品。“准好了吗?我们开始吧!”“第一个动作:仰卧卷腹。一组12次,3-2-1、GO!”教练马尾D杯女孩在一张被抠去背景的瑜伽垫上,纯白无暇的空间,既像当代艺术展览的白盒子,也像……“集中注意力!3-4……” 一套全程13分钟的练习被拆解成每次少于30秒的17个动作,动作其实有大量重复,只是被打散和重组了,屏幕上方已完成的动作显示为绿色、待完成的动作显示为灰色;每个动作又被切割成更小的动作、反应到更为可视化的进度条。多么贴心的产品!它非常了解人意志力的薄弱。“……5-6,用力时呼气,还原时吸气,8-9-10,感受腹部发力,11-12。”“下一个动作:简易死虫式,一组15次。3-2-1、GO!”当指令说“休息一下吧!”我们就会得到10秒或20秒倒计时的休息时间,这时屏幕上适时跳出一条“永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶。——杰克·凯鲁亚克”。不同的运动项目和训练时间会跳出不同的名人名言,以提供正在奋力燃脂的我们及时的自我感动。除了世界各地的文艺明星与我们同在,世界各地的(华人)练习者也与我们同在。右下角的提示框闪烁着此时也在练习这个动作的头像和头像所代表的一个个正挥汗如雨想要速成蜜桃臀的人们。她看了一眼,和她一起练习这个动作的现在有420人。啊,茫茫KEEP海,瞬间你就找到了认同,找到了社群。你,不再孤单!“下一个动作,西西里卷腹,一组15次。3-2-1、GO!”“1-2,保持腰部全程贴地,3-4-5-6,腹部发力卷动身体,8-9,手臂向上举!10-11-12,很棒!就是这样,保持住!14-15”。请自行想象伴随这些指令的健身音乐,不要小看它对力比多的煽动及对重复枯燥的润滑。“下一个动作……”“最后一个动作,坚持就是胜利!……”“腰部贴地!”“保持均匀呼吸!”“身体从头到脚成一条直线!”“腹部要像钢铁一样坚硬!”“绷紧臀部!”“保持深呼吸!”“保持挺胸!”“感受腹部的拉伸!”“非常棒!”“再坚持5秒!5-4-3-2-1!”“…….恭喜你!完成本次训练!别忘了打卡到KEEP动态获得点赞!” 一开始,她对这些跳出的头像和半裸的身体感到眼花缭乱,感到慌张和害羞,就像跳出的来自KEEP自营商城的各种健身商品,她厌烦地将窗口立刻关闭。但一天天过去不知不觉中她也会被“一个月瘦20斤”(或“半价限时抢购”)吸引进去。“社区”里有海量和你一样的人,在展示我们的胖,展示我们的瘦,展示我们瘦、美、健康、成功、与众不同(网红)的欲望。你的减肥辛酸史无异于商城里密集排列并随算法精确滚动的商品。“KEEP将大数据及AI融入运动,运用AI算法及科学技术来提升用户运动体验和对运动需求的准确度。”

我们变成了什么也不懂什么也不会的人。我们已经不会自己运动,需要拆分的动作,需要运动指令;我们也不会休息,需要休息的指令;我们不会走路、不会迷路,需要定位和导航;不会做爱、不会和真人做爱,需要P站和更新的A片;也不会生活,需要随时百度“生活小妙招”。我们跟着各种up主、博主、Youtuber学习世界料理、阳台种菜,学习如何做个辣妈,学习如何穿搭成极简主义者,学习如何画出自然的双眼皮,学习不粘锅和铁锅的区别,学习婆媳相处、也学习马克思和邱阳创巴仁波切,学习中美贸易战、学习美国大选,学习如何为亚裔发声、如何与巴勒斯坦共声,学习怎样反对或支持新疆棉花、支持或反对H&M,学习冰川融化全球变暖,学习末日生存学习、人类永生的科技已近在眼前,学习新型冠状病毒,到底怎样搅乱了人类世界。有一天,正在学习种菜的她第一次不是通过谷歌图片、而在现实中偶然地看见了葱开出的花。她为此惊讶了一整天。葱不再作为调味料而只作为“葱” —— 一个主体被你看见:大葱的顶端冒出一颗大白花球,在它的旁边,细香葱正开出一片梦幻的粉紫。

KEEP记录显示,她最常做运动的时间是临近半夜,这时线上几乎没有同伴 —— 也许她还是喜欢孤独?也许只是患有重度拖延症。要在今天完成今天的任务,实在赶不及12点前打卡的时候,她发明了一个绝招——把手机从东京时间调回上海时间,也就是调慢一小时,她就能打上今天的卡,这也不能完全算作弊对不对,她就这样轻松地打败了时间 —— 是不是很科幻?(假如灰姑娘和谢德庆也能随意调快调慢时间的话……?)随着时间从23:01来到22:01,她快乐地点开KEEP,准备再度跟随它的指令……只要跟随指令(而无需跟随身体),只要follow,flow,随波、逐流,做完一个训练打上一个勾。打勾让她感到一点满足,但似乎和看YouTube、吃冰淇淋一样,她需要更多地不断地打勾来维持这点满足。但至少目前,巨大的失落还未袭来,它还对她有效。那就继续吧。


Like many others, since COVID-19, I haven’t been able to go anywhere. Indulged by the horizontal screen of a MacBook Pro and the vertical screen of an iPhone, she also ate 100g of ice cream every hour. It was either ice cream or chocolate, either chocolate or chocolate cookies. Once she even ate a whole packet of Chinese rock candy (pure sugar)—not all at once of course, but arguably it could be observed that it all disappeared at once. Before long, she put on 10kg. In fact, more than the sweets, she was addicted to staying at home, an immigrant otaku watching Youtube day and night. Although from time to time I would re-watch ‘a good film’ (sometimes a new one) to remind myself of what my own standards for ‘watching’ once were. But it has really been tossed out like used face masks. I’ve watched (consumed) so many little junk videos over the past year—many with the audio-visual habit of 1.75x speed, a psychological dependence on the progress bar, and a great tolerance for the constant pop-up ads – yes, even when watching Herzog’s “good film” – the porn ads that suddenly spring up on every corner of the screen.

But every day and every night she swore to lose weight, to be healthy, and to be motivated. And every day and every night you still fell into the comfort of junk videos and junk food. They don’t really comfort you, so you always need to consume more and more and more to help you escape from emotion and eczema, to escape from all kinds of discomfort and conflict that come with being stranded in a foreign country due to pandemic, division, and isolation.

One day, almost a year after she became a fat girl, she downloaded a Chinese mobile fitness app called KEEP. Clicking on the grey icon, a huge line popped up: SELF-DISCIPLINE GIVES ME FREEDOM. But before she could even process the implications of such a sentence it disappeared, replaced by an ad (which also disappeared quickly with a 5-4-3-2-1 before being replaced by another one). To urge herself on, she purchased a membership subscription of KEEP. On one side she kept criticising consumerism, but on the other, she just kept consuming (ah, so sorry…another egg on the face!). So that is how KEEP came into our lives. Gradually, I couldn’t live without it. Even during Zoom meetings, you’re secretly kept KEEPing. Isn’t this the era when multitasking and code-switching are fashionable?

KEEP recommended me a supposedly customised package called the 28-Day Crazy Fat-Blasting Plan. In addition to directed exercise routines, I had to report to KEEP what I ate everyday, and it would respond with feedback like, Bananas are full of vitamins and dietary fiber that your body needs. Great choice! Or, Ice cream is high in sugar and makes you fat! So you replace that harmful ice cream addiction immediately with a KEEP addiction, not so dissimilar from how you had replaced your former cigarette addiction with an ice cream addiction. Contemporary life is all about constant addictive dependencies, right? Cigarettes, marijuana, alcohol, love, sex, porn sites, YouTube, social media, art, slime, internet shopping, fried chicken… Or, of course, jogging, firm abs, or in more specialty terminology—peach butts, swan necks, 90-degree shoulders, teenage girl backs, and Satomi Ishihara jawlines. These latter self-disciplining hobbies which may at first seem positive, healthy, and beautiful, are even more deadly addictions than the commonly known ones.

Launched in 2015, KEEP now has 300 million users, and more than 6 million people sweat with it every day, making it China’s largest sports social platform, covering fitness, running, cycling, dating and diet guidance, equipment purchase, live sports, and other functions. Usually, I wore my Airpods and followed KEEP while exercising in the living room so as not to disturb my Japanese husband. He sat across from me, sometimes beside me, wearing the same model of earbuds and immersed in his own version of the YouTube universe. Sometimes it seemed as if he was giving me a mysterious smile, but very quickly I realised those smiles were not for me. The epidemic in early 2020 led to mass self-isolation in homes and a spike in user activity on the sports social app, helping KEEP achieve a new records of data growth. KEEP is reportedly planning to list on the U.S. stock market this year and will be valued at more than $2 billion in Series F preferred stock. The founder and CEO is late millennial. She realised that she had reached the age of aunt, and her post-dinner exercise was exactly an aunty’s activity, even if it were just online. Compared to the public square dancing popular in China, this was actually a much larger scale, in tune with millions of people. So now, let’s follow the instructions to experience the popular Peach Booty Workout. The coach, a ponytailed D-cup girl on a yoga mat, says: Ready? Let’s get started! First exercise: Crunch. Set of 12 reps, 3-2-1, GO! With the background of this image removed, the pure white and flawless space becomes a white cube for contemporary art exhibitions as well. Concentrate! 5-6, exhale as you push, inhale as you restore, 8-9-10, feel the abdominal force, 11-12. Next exercise: Dead Bug. Set of 15 reps. 3, 2, 1, GO!

When the instructor says Take a break! we are given 10 or 20 seconds to rest, at which point motivational quotations pop up on the screen: O ever youthful, O ever weeping —Jack Kerouac. These quotes provide timely triggers for those of us struggling to burn fat. In addition to connecting with (Chinese) fat burners all over the world, we are accompanied by dead literary stars. The cue box at the bottom right corner of the screen flashes with the avatars of others who are also at the same moment sweating their way to a quick peach butt. She takes a look; there are 420 people practicing this workout with her now. A sea of people, instant identity-formation and community. You are no longer alone! Next, Sicilian Crunch. Set of 15 reps. 3, 2, 1, GO! 1-2, keep your waist on the floor the whole time, 3-4-5-6, abdominal power curl your body, 8-9, arms up! 10-11-12, great! That’s it, hold it! 14-15.

Next… Last one, perseverance is victory! Waist to the ground! Keep breathing evenly! Body in a straight line from head to toe! Your abdominals should be as hard as steel! Tighten your hips! Keep breathing deep! Keep your chest up! Feel the stretch in your abdominals! Very good! Hold on for 5 more seconds! 5-4-3-2-1! Congratulations! Finish this workout! Don’t forget to clock in with the KEEP community to get likes!

In the beginning, she was shocked by the avatars, half-naked bodies, and various fitness products that popped up, immediately closing the windows with disdain. But day by day she became unwittingly drawn in by the banners: 10KG LESS IN A MONTH, or Half Price Limited Offer, something like this. The ‘community’ is full of people just like you, showing off our desires to be thin, to be beautiful, healthy, successful and special, like internet celebrities. Your bitter weight loss history is no different from the merchandise arranged in the KEEP online mall, calibrated precisely with an algorithm. KEEP incorporates big data and AI into exercise, using algorithms and scientific techniques to enhance user experience and the accuracy of your exercise needs.

We have become people who don’t know anything and can’t do anything ourselves. We no longer know how to move our own bodies; we need to split movements into fragments and we need constant instruction. We use reminders to go to sleep—don’t even know how to rest. Always geo-located and reliant upon navigation apps, we don’t know how to walk, nor do we know how to get lost. We don’t know how to have sex, or at least we don’t know how to sex with a real person without Pornhub and updated porn videos. We depend upon ‘life tips’ from Baidu (the Chinese version of Google) at every moment because we don’t know how to live. We follow all sorts of Youtubers, vloggers, and uploaders to learn about world cuisine, about narrow balcony gardening, ‘how to be a hot mom’, and the ‘10 Best Minimalist Fashion Outfits’. To learn how to ‘naturally’ fake double eyelids, the difference between non-stick pans and iron skillets, about how others get along with their mothers-in-law, as well as about Marxism and Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. To learn about the US-China trade war, the US election, about how to speak out for Asians, how to support Palestinians, how to oppose or support Xinjiang cotton, how to support or oppose H&M, about melting glaciers and global warming, about how to survive doomsday, and about technology enabling human immortality. To learn about how the novel coronavirus has messed up the human world.

One day while learning to grow vegetables, she saw for the first time—not through Google images but by chance in reality—the flowers of a leek plant. She was amazed by this for an entire day. This was leek no longer as a seasoning but as a real leek before her very eyes, a large white flower bulb emerging from the top of leek and beside it a dreamy pink-purplish bloom from chives.

Her KEEP records show that the time she most often does exercise is towards midnight, when there are almost no companions online. Perhaps she still enjoys loneliness? Or maybe she’s just a heavy procrastinator. To complete each day’s task on time, she invented a great trick. By turning back the time on her iPhone by one hour, she was able to clock in for the day. How easily she could conquer the time! Isn’t that very science fiction and philosophical? What if Cinderella or Tehching Hsieh could also speed up or slow down time at will? As time goes from 23:01 to 22:00, she taps on KEEP happily again, ready to follow its instructions… Just follow the instructions (not your body), just follow, flow, go with the flow. After completing the training, she adds a tick to her task list. The act of adding checkmarks gives her a bit of satisfaction, but it seems that, like watching YouTube and eating ice cream, she needs more and more to maintain the same degree of satisfaction. For now, at least, the huge depression hasn’t hit yet, which means it must still be working for her. So go ahead.
And one day you, I, and she will get bored for sure. Or maybe, such a day will never come.

(English text was translated by lovely Naniko! Firstly Published on ETC., ETC., Catalogue No.005 Unintelligent Work, Köln, July 2021)

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the news makes me cry every morning

2021 July 01, Hong Kong

我剛剛下去樓下去買一罐啤酒「慶祝」今天的節日,在Circle K被找錢,發現其中包括了一塊1978年女英皇頭硬幣。回到我樓大廳,發現郵箱裡有妳寄過來的明信片,上面寫著「Still here」.

I just went downstairs to buy a beer to ‘celebrate’ the holiday today, and upon being given change at the Circle K, discovered amidst the coins one Queen Elizabeth head dollar dated from 1978. Returning back to my building, inside the post box was a postcard from you with a drawn eye of horus and the words, ‘Still here‘.


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慢遞件 dispatch HQL-299

// 內容 CONTENTS //
《聖誕島,自然而然》  Memorial to the Last Christmas Island
Pipistrelle, from the series Christmas Island, Naturally by Robert ZHAO
Renhui (趙仁輝作品)

分兩件的作品 one artwork in two pieces
(蝙蝠聲音探测器和麥克風 bat sonar detector and microphone)
185 x 134 x 82 cm

// 出發點 START POINT //
香港鰂魚涌 Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

// 到達點 END POINT //
新加坡中山公園戴斯飯店 Days Hotel by Wyndham Singapore at
Zhongshan Park, Singapore

// 慢遞人員 COURIER //

派送成功 SUCCESSFULLY RECEIVED 2019-06-09,10:57
慢遞招募發布 ROUTE REQUESTED 2019-05-29,16:41





I didn’t think about documenting the route this time, mostly because I felt shame to suddenly, by chance, be carrying a route for financial gain. But then while on the airplane, an especially beautiful explosion of clouds, like ravaging cliffs and waves and suitcases and UFOs waiting in line, one after another, bulbous one on top of another. I think about taking a photograph. I think about swathes of people like clouds rushing under the tall, curving glass ceilings of sleek and sterilised airports. About how another courier said he was not sure if he would be able to come up with inspired documentation this time, travelling by plane as opposed to the 24-hour train ride of his previous route; airports are too sterile. About how I then responded that I like the contrast of such high emotions in those sterile environments. About how I felt like she was being so scorpion in her calculated use of the word love when talking about her willingness to take another route. That courier route would stop when she stopped loving me, supposedly. I was not sure if it should be shameful to engage someone to work for love, or, as she said, to run again on something absurdly quantifiable, meaning facing up to our servitude, and just simply following another capitalist logic. Another courier says that scorpion courier is very good at 談戀愛——literally, to talk about romantic attachments (and the act 演講, of talking publicly, is to perform). But what can we really talk about love? I feel like she’s using me when she talks about love, but perhaps just as she feels used that I ask her about routes. That is the labour of love, perhaps…the kind that we resent our parents for, the kind that keeps them together after all those explosions and all this time. All this time.

The courier that is impressed with another’s ability to talk about love confesses that she gets stopped by emotion. All these words that don’t know how to come out. Is that a labour, too? To be stuck with our hiccups and having to work around not knowing how to liberate difficult words? Like emotion in a sterile environment, rushing all about somewhere between a stomach and the gate of that little thing that hangs in the back of your mouth, even though the flight paths are on perpetual, repeated delay. It is a lot of work.

I think about the photograph of the wing of the aircraft pointing toward a sea of clouds, the one photographed by a friend in 2011 on his first journey by plane at the age of 48. He was on his way from Beijing to Guangzhou for work, actually. But while up in the air he wrote a poem.

The air conditioning on this plane is as usual on high for sterility, but we’re flying south, and the sun is on my side. I keep leaning close to the window to keep warm, but I don’t take a photograph of clouds.

Posted by 丫 | reply »



archived recording, originally broadcast on Pheasantail Radio, 20 April 2018, 1 – 2 am UTC +08

featuring selections from:

🎧 《A User’s Guide to Demanding the Impossible》 by the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination
🎧 「Coping Mechanism: The Care of Self and the Politics of Listening in Art and the ASMR Community」by Ashley Lee WONG
🎧 「RECEIVE UNEXPECTED MONEY IN 1 DAY | Subliminal To Attract Money」

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wedged in something that has to do with the world

Science went away for some time, but left rusty Technic behind. There was a small key with a black plastic coated head. We unlocked her and rode with her rhythms, though something kept nerves piqued at the same time as familiarity made everything gummy inside. The remembering of being here before, when things were more regular, and this was before you knew Science, when things were simply intuitive. But now your muscles were taut and that thing on the back kept falling off and you didn’t know if it was your doing or not or if we would survive until Science came back.

In the end you left before she did, and your tight outer edges and chewy fillings didn’t know what to do with the small key except, on the way out, wedge it quickly between something that has to do with the world or the universe. Technic was left outside to nature.

It should have been one week, but it was months, months, months. Where on the flattened earth does Science go? You worried for a moment until you forgot. And by the time she came back looking for worlds in universes, you couldn’t quite remember the game either, only that you had been looking downwards, so it must have been about waist height. She played several rounds over a few more weeks, and almost even lost it for a second.

the best review i’ll ever receive
攝影 photos // 阿科 a KE
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