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the news makes me cry every morning

2021 July 01, Hong Kong

我剛剛下去樓下去買一罐啤酒「慶祝」今天的節日,在Circle K被找錢,發現其中包括了一塊1978年女英皇頭硬幣。回到我樓大廳,發現郵箱裡有妳寄過來的明信片,上面寫著「Still here」.

I just went downstairs to buy a beer to ‘celebrate’ the holiday today, and upon being given change at the Circle K, discovered amidst the coins one Queen Elizabeth head dollar dated from 1978. Returning back to my building, inside the post box was a postcard from you with a drawn eye of horus and the words, ‘Still here‘.


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