things in process...we are overseas
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concepts to discuss

these are at the moment the main concepts my work is going to turn around.  I met up with Xiao Ke today, we talked about that. It’s still to be developped, discussed, experienced and shared. So each of us is going to think about it and bring suggestions to make it physical, create methods, give exercises, make scenes… please feel free to join and comment! 

1. pass ways, shifting timing, faith, coincidence, accidents: we move in the given structures, outer logical structure, for example streets in a city.

2. moving organsime (bacteries, animals in the nature…) related to biology, phisics and chemistry: inner logical structure

3. meeting in different scales: small (intimate meeting), medium (a meeting of a few people), big (a demonstration, a battle).  the impact a meeting has on a person and the space around it.

4. energy versus qi, chinese philosophy, understanding of space (cultural differences)

5. power: what is power? what does power mean to you? and how does power relates between human being, space and time?

6. public and private space: what is public and what is private?

7. net work: the need to create a network to gather. create, recognize and pull strings.

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 23rd, 2009 at 8:31 pm and is filed under overseas. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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