things in process...we are overseas
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eat, walk, talk, thoughts, ideas, excercice, question, answer

i feel part of the process of finding the connection between us is come closer and get deeper in our own project, being curious about the others work, following the process of the others and knowing how this will relate to a end product, spending time together, trying to understand eachother…

question to monika:

– how does the video material relates to the 2 performers?

–  is it (let’s say there is 5 interviewees and 2 performers in space) 7 people in space or the one performer representing the 5 people or more talking in general about people?

– how much is this 1 to 1 working method going to reflect in the work?

– how are these intimate information of the interviewees going to be used and how much is it exposed to a public or the people working in the project?

– what do you hope to hear from the people you are interviewing and where do you want to lead them?

questions to elaine:

– how do you imagine to organize the cooking workshop?

– how does the video relates to the sculpture and the performance aspect of your work?

– what kind of food is there going to be?

– how shall we visualize the perfomative moment of your work?

– how long does the video takes that is played in loop?

– how big is the screening?

– are screening and sculpture in the same room?

general question for all of us:

– how does the thing hold together?

– how do we conduct the audience?

– what is the development of the event? working towards climax, deconstruction, succession of scenes without any developement,…?

– what is the athmosphere that you want to lead? is there any negative energy developing?

– what is your personal conern as an artist?

– how do you relate to the other two artists?

– what is our intention?

– who is the audience?

– how do we want to integrate the people from the neighborhood into our work?

– and how do we want to integrate the experience of living and working together as a community in a courtyard in the product?

– what’s a total experience?


all these are questions, that we have tried to answer. i didn’t want to give the answers of the people, leaving up to them where they are in the process of finding them. you can add if there is any other question that would come up or i forgot and please feel free to ask me as well? i try my best.

This entry was posted on Saturday, May 16th, 2009 at 7:59 pm and is filed under overseas. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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