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/iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter/wework/你、我和我们之间 commonplace

A project with autistic children. Beijing, CN, 2005.

created by 崔凯旋 Cassidy Cui, 何穎雅 elaine w. ho and the 北京星星雨教育研究所 Stars & Rain Education Institute for Autism

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Stars & Rain Education Institute for Autism Commonplace poster 北京星星雨教育研究所 Huang Wenya brings students to the Fine Arts Museum Annie Conn and Stars & Rain student JingJing painting made by Annie Conn and students of Stars & Rain 开幕酒会 opening of Commonplace exhibition 开幕酒会 opening of Commonplace exhibition Anouchka van Driel blows bubbles at the opening Stars & Rain students make an "action painting" at the exhibition 黄文亚作品《走出孤独》 | Huang Wenya's "Going Out Lonely" Wang Haiyuan's installation of over 400 panels painted by students

孤独症又叫自闭症,患者往往严重缺乏社会适应及与人的交往能力,本项目就是从“孤独症”这一现象出发去思考“交流”这个主题,项目的题目“你、我和我们之间”代表的是我们所有的人在谁会中的位置,所有的人都可以是你、我,也都可以成为我们。项目的英文题目commonplace是“普通”“日常”的意思,而分开写“common place”则是共同分享一个地方,两个单词common和place可以代表“你、我”,合在一起就是“我们”,交流有时就这么简单普通而平常,既是“我们”分开了也可以共同分享“一个地方”,交流仍然存在。


In Chinese, autism, or guduzheng, translates literally to “lonely disease”. Although it afflicts an estimated five million people all over China, autism is a relatively unknown disorder, not even diagnosable by most doctors. The commonplace project set out to open a dialogue for the “lonely”, to raise awareness of autism and explore the abilities of human communication in general. Autistic children and their families came together with artists through a series of workshops, exhibition, and an auction to benefit the Stars & Rain Education Institute for Autism in Beijing.

Artists participating in the exhibition (roll your mouse over artist name to see selected work):